Smoking and nicotine

Learn more about Snus, Nicotine Pouches & Co.

Wie viel Nikotin hat eine Zigarette?
How much nicotine is in a cigarette?
Snus Effect - How does the trend from Sweden work?
Snus, a traditional Swedish oral tobacco product, is gaining increasing popularity. But how exactly does this Swedish trend work, what effects does it have on our body, and why are more and more athletes turning to the effects of Snus? In the following article, we aim to clarify these questions and provide systematic answers.

Top Articles

  1. 1. Snus im Urlaub
  2. 2. Snus & Sport?
  3. 3. Nikotinentzug: Symptome und Dauer
  4. 4. Snus und Zahnfleisch
Nikotinbeutel - Harm reduction bei Tabak
Tobacco Harm Reduction: Nicotine Pouches as Safer Nicotine Products?
Ist Snus eine Droge? Wir haben die Antwort
Is snus a drug? We have the answer
Nicotine flash, nicotine rush or nicotine kick - what does this mean?
Snus kaufen in der Nähe - Tankstelle
Where to buy Snus nearby? Is it better then online?
Rauchen aufhören mit Nicotine Polacrilex
Quit smoking with Nicotine Polacrilex and White Snus
Snus online kaufen
Buying Snus online. Is it allowed?
Informationen zu Snus-Marken
Five well-known manufacturers and their Snus-brands
Snus and Germany - Will it soon be allowed?
The sale of tobacco snus is prohibited in Germany – but why, and does this also apply to personal possession and consumption? What about nicotine pouches? Get an overview here of what is allowed and what isn’t in Germany.
Wie lange belibt Nikotin im Körper
How long does nicotine stay in the body?
How long does nicotine stay in the body, and how long can it be detected? Find out here and learn what "cotinine" has to do with it.
Nikotinsucht -abstrakt, graphisch dargestellt
Nicotine addiction - All you need to know


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Nikotinentzug, suchtfrei
Nicotine withdrawal: duration, symptoms and tricks
Nikotinabusus, wie man ihn vermeidet
Nicotine Abuse - Causes, Effects, and Treatment Options