Snus Wirkung

Snus Effect - How does the trend from Sweden work?

Snus Effect - How does the trend from Sweden work?
Snus, a traditional Swedish oral tobacco product, is gaining increasing popularity. But how exactly does this Swedish trend work, what effects does it have on our body, and why are more and more athletes turning to the effects of Snus? In the following article, we aim to clarify these questions and provide systematic answers.
Snus Effect - How does the trend from Sweden work?
Snus, a traditional Swedish oral tobacco product, is gaining increasing popularity. But how exactly does this Swedish trend work, what effects does it have on our body, and why are more and more athletes turning to the effects of Snus? In the following article, we aim to clarify these questions and provide systematic answers.

The term Snus has a long-standing tradition in Sweden and has now made its way into many parts of the EU, becoming embedded in various national languages. Most people claim to know what this trendy tobacco from Scandinavia is all about. However, when it comes to the precise effects of Snus, persistent misinformation—often paired with highly creative explanations regarding its ingredients and methods of consumption—remains widespread.

Detailed Effects of Snus

To understand the effects of Snus, it’s helpful to first examine its ingredients and how it’s consumed.


Traditional Swedish Snus contains finely ground tobacco, typically mixed with flavorings, salts, water, and humectants, as well as buffering agents. In contrast to the "loose" Snus variety, where users portion the product themselves, there is also a pouch variant. This version comes pre-portioned in cellulose pouches, which is why cellulose is often listed as an ingredient in such products.

Tobacco leaves during the drying process
The main ingredient in traditional Snus is tobacco. The leaves of the tobacco plant are harvested, dried, and then finely ground. - © Image: AdobeStock

The tobacco contains the substance primarily responsible for its effects: nicotine. The tobacco used in the final product is derived from plants of the Nicotiana genus, with the leaves undergoing a drying and fermentation process before being incorporated. However, this process introduces a significant issue: tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs), which are known to be highly carcinogenic, are formed during the drying and fermentation stages. An article published in the specialist journal krebs:hilfe! states that animal experiments and epidemiological studies have shown that oral tobacco can cause tumors in the mouth and pancreas.

One might now assume that nicotine itself is also carcinogenic. However, according to the European Code Against Cancer, nicotine is a simple chemical compound found in the tobacco plant that does not directly cause cancer. Instead, it fosters tobacco dependence, thereby increasing exposure to carcinogens—particularly TSNAs.
If the health risks stem solely from the tobacco and not the “active agent” nicotine, wouldn’t it make sense to create a product containing isolated nicotine, free from tobacco-specific nitrosamines? Such a product could even circumvent the EU’s oral tobacco ban (in effect since 1992, except in Sweden).
Enter "white Snus" or tobacco-free nicotine pouches, which have already established themselves as major players in several EU countries. The best part? Their effects are identical to those of “real Snus.”


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Are There Glass Fragments in Snus?

A particularly creative yet almost bizarre piece of misinformation that has persisted for years is the claim that Snus contains small “glass fragments.” The idea behind this myth is that these fragments allegedly enhance nicotine absorption. However, Snus enthusiasts know that nicotine absorption through the oral mucosa does not require such “glass fragments.” What many mistake for glass are, in fact, small visible salt crystals that naturally form during prolonged storage.

Method of Consumption

Snus and tobacco-free nicotine pouches are typically consumed by placing the pouches under the upper lip.

Should You Chew Snus?

It is often suggested that chewing on the pouches, similar to chewing tobacco, can enhance the effects. However, this method is not recommended and offers no benefits over placing the pouch under the upper lip. On the contrary, chewing Snus may cause the pouches to rupture, leading to the ingestion of larger amounts of the pouch's contents, which can result in nicotine poisoning symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.
If a pouch is accidentally swallowed, remain calm and monitor for signs of poisoning. Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, severe headaches, dizziness, or other circulatory issues. If such symptoms occur, seek immediate medical attention or visit the emergency room.

>> For more information on how to use Snus correctly, read here.

How Does Snus Work?

Whether traditional Swedish Snus with tobacco or tobacco-free nicotine pouches, the effects of Snus in both cases are explained by the alkaloid nicotine. This substance rapidly enters the bloodstream during Snus consumption and triggers a variety of effects in the body. While the mechanisms of nicotine action are complex and multifaceted, the following key points can be summarized:

  • Agonistic, stimulating action on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and central nervous system (CNS);
  • Promotion of the release of catecholamines such as adrenaline, dopamine, and noradrenaline, as well as serotonin;
  • Increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system, leading to enhanced psychomotor performance;

As a result of Snus consumption, there is a temporary increase in heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure, primarily due to the heightened sympathetic tone. Nicotine also suppresses appetite, increases gastric acid secretion, and reduces mucosal blood flow, which may manifest as dry mouth.

Additionally, nicotine induces a mildly euphoric and relaxed state that most users find pleasant. Another widely appreciated benefit is improved concentration and focus.

Nicotine effects and dopaminergic system
Some users report a temporary increase in attention and alertness after consumption. - © Image: AdobeStock

Does Snus Make You High?

A mildly euphoric and relaxed state, improved concentration and focus, as well as enhanced alertness, are occasionally described by some as a slight "high" from Snus. However, this sensation cannot be compared to the effects of stronger, illegal psychotropic substances. Moreover, Snus, like a cigarette, is not classified as a psychedelic drug, which includes substances with hallucinogenic effects.

What Happens When You Use Snus?

When placed under the upper lip, nicotine is absorbed directly through the oral mucosa. Two key factors determine how much and how quickly it can be absorbed: the pH level and the moisture of the Snus.

The pH level is important because it influences the amount of so-called uncharged nicotine available, which, as a free base, is more easily absorbed by the oral mucosa.

The moisture of the pouch affects nicotine absorption by influencing the speed and duration of nicotine release. The rule is: the moister the Snus, the faster the nicotine is released from the pouch. In extreme cases, up to 70% of the nicotine in the pouch may be released within the first five minutes. On the other hand, drier Snus releases nicotine more consistently and over a longer period. Thus, the combination of moisture and pH level affects the onset, strength, and duration of Snus's effects.

Once absorbed through the oral mucosa, nicotine enters the bloodstream and exerts its complex effects in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and, after crossing the blood-brain barrier, in the central nervous system (CNS). The time between consumption and nicotine entering the CNS is called the absorption rate. With Snus, depending on its composition and the factors mentioned above, noticeable effects can occur within seconds due to a relatively high absorption rate.

This graphic illustrates the perceived effects of Snus, where nicotine release and absorption are initially higher and gradually decrease over time.  
Snus effects and nicotine curve

Nicotine Dosage and Snus Effects

The effects of Snus vary depending on its nicotine content, while factors such as pH level and moisture also play a significant role. Nicotine content is indicated in mg/g and mg/pouch.

The first measurement is particularly relevant for the “loose” Snus variety, which is not pre-portioned, as it allows users to estimate the strength of the effects based on the mg/g value during portioning. For pre-portioned pouches, the mg/pouch value is more informative since it indicates the maximum amount of nicotine that can be released and absorbed through the oral mucosa.

Does Nicotine Content Alone Determine Snus Strength?

In addition to nicotine content, the pH level and pouch moisture significantly impact the effects of Snus because they determine how much nicotine is absorbed and how quickly. Snus with higher nicotine content per pouch will have stronger effects compared to those with lower content, provided both have similar pH levels and moisture.
Some tobacco-free nicotine pouches differ from tobacco-based Snus due to higher moisture and a more favorable pH level for absorption, which explains their noticeably faster onset of effects, even without higher nicotine content.

Many popular brands of tobacco-free nicotine pouches now provide both measurements as standard, with various pouch formats and fill weights available on the market. The fill weight multiplied by the mg/g value gives the mg/pouch nicotine content.

For example, Pablo is considered one of the most popular brands in the high-nicotine segment.


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The brand Velo, on the other hand, offers a wide range of nicotine strengths, allowing users to test various intensity levels.


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For first-time nicotine users, it’s recommended to start with a lower strength to avoid a nicotine rush that may be too intense. Consuming excessive amounts of nicotine can lead to dizziness, nausea, and, in severe cases, symptoms of nicotine poisoning.

Athletes Increasingly Rely on Snus Effects

The effects of Snus are becoming increasingly popular among professional athletes. Initially widespread in ice hockey, Snus is now also used by many professional football players.
If we believe the statements of athletes, one in four football players regularly uses Snus. The effects mentioned above suggest why: nicotine enhances focus and performance, which can indeed give athletes an advantage.
Additionally, tobacco-free nicotine pouches are not banned substances and are not considered doping—at least not yet. However, as their use provides competitive advantages, they might soon be added to the list of prohibited substances.

>> Read more on the topic: Why is Snus so popular in sports like hockey and football?

Private consumers don’t need to worry about this. They can continue to enjoy the effects of Snus. Those looking to purchase Snus can still do so. Real Snus is only available EU-wide in Sweden, as it is the only EU country where it is legally sold. Switzerland legalized the sale of Snus in 2019. In Germany and Austria, Snus is only available in tobacco-free nicotine pouch variants—without compromising the experience.

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