Snus Wirkung

Snus Effect - How does the trend from Sweden work?

Snus Effect - How does the trend from Sweden work?
Snus Effect - How does the trend from Sweden work?

SnusThe Swedish trend of vaping, a Swedish lozenge with a long tradition, is becoming increasingly popular. But how exactly does the trend from Sweden work, what effects does it have on our bodies and why are more and more athletes turning to the Snus effect? In the following article, we want to shed some light and systematically answer these questions. 

The term Snus has, in addition to its long tradition in Sweden, now also found its way into large parts of the EU and has become naturalized in various national languages. Most people may claim to know what the trendy tobacco from Scandinavia is all about. However, when it comes to the exact effect of Snusthere is sometimes persistent misinformation - including extremely creative explanations of the ingredients and forms of consumption.

Snus Effect in detail

In order to Snus effect, the first step is to look at its ingredients and the way it is consumed.


In the classic Swedish Snus is finely ground tobacco which usually contains flavorings, salts, water, Humectant like buffering agents are added. In contrast to the "open" Snus-variant, where the quantity is portioned when consumed, there is also the pouch variant. In this case, the entire contents of the can are already packed in separate cellulose pouches and are therefore pre-portioned. This is also the reason why cellulose is often listed as an ingredient in such products.

Tobacco now contains the substance that significantly determines the effect when consumed: nicotine. The tobacco contained in the end product is obtained from plants of the genus Nicotiana, the leaves of which have to undergo a drying/fermentation process before being processed into the finished product. And this is precisely where a problem arises that is typical of tobacco-containing products. Snus can hardly be denied. During the drying and fermentation of tobacco, so-called tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) are formed - for which a strong carcinogenic (cancer-causing) effect is postulated. In a study published in the cancer:help! published an article for example, states with regard to TSNAs that animal experiments and epidemiological studies have shown that oral tobacco causes tumors of the oral cavity and pancreas.

In addition, one could now assume that nicotine itself is (also) carcinogenic. Here, however, the European Code Against Cancer states that nicotine is a simple chemical compound found in the tobacco plant, which does not directly cause cancerbut rather makes people dependent on tobacco, which increases exposure to carcinogens - especially TSNAs.
If a health problem is rooted in tobacco alone, but not in the same sense in the actual "effect maker" of Snusnamely nicotine, wouldn't it make sense to develop a product that contained nicotine isolated from tobacco substances, thus avoiding tobacco-specific nitrosamines? And what's more, wouldn't this be a clever way of circumventing the EU ban on oral tobacco products that has been in force since 1992, with the exception of Sweden?
"White Snus" and tobacco-free nicotine pouchesas they are already establishing themselves as big players in many EU countries, probably owe their success to the same circumstances. And the best thing is: the effect is the same as the "real thing". Snus“.

Are glass splinters in Snus?

An equally creative and almost bizarre misinformation that has been around for several years is that Snus would contain small "glass splinters". This is because this could apparently accelerate nicotine absorption. Snus-However, connoisseurs should know that no such "glass splinters" are required for nicotine absorption via the oral mucosa - and that what many people misjudge as such are in fact small visible salt crystals that naturally form during prolonged storage.

Type of consumption

The following are consumed Snus or tobacco-free nicotine pouches insofar as the Pouches are usually inserted under the upper lip.

Should you chew Snus?

You often read and hear that you should chew on the pouches in a similar way to chewing tobacco so that the effect is more intense. However, this type of consumption is not advisable and offers no advantages over insertion under the upper lip. Rather, chewing on Snus can even lead to them bursting open, larger quantities of the bag contents being swallowed and symptoms of poisoning such as nausea and vomiting can be the result.
If a sachet is accidentally swallowed, the first thing to do is to keep calm and look out for possible signs of poisoning. In addition to nausea and vomiting, these can also include severe headaches, dizziness and other circulatory problems. If such symptoms occur, a doctor should be consulted immediately or an emergency room visited.

>> More information on this topic, how to Snus use correctlyyou can read here.

How Snus works?

Whether tobacco-containing Swedish Snus or tobacco-free nicotine pouches - the effect of Snus can be explained in both cases by the alkaloid nicotine. The substance that is released when Snus enters the bloodstream relatively quickly and triggers a variety of effects in the body. Although the exact mechanisms of action of nicotine are quite complex and multi-layered, the following at least can be stated - without claiming to be exhaustive:

  • Agonistic, stimulating, effect on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and in the central nervous system (CNS);
  • Promotion of the release of so-called catecholamines, including adrenaline, dopamine and noradrenaline, and promotion of the release of serotonin;
  • Increase in the arousal state of the sympathetic nervous system and an associated increase in psychomotor performance;

As a result of consumption, there is a temporary increase in heart and respiratory rate as well as an increase in blood pressure, which can mainly be explained by the increased sympathetic tone. In addition, nicotine suppresses Snus appetite, increases gastric acid secretion and reduces blood flow to the mucous membranes - the latter can manifest itself in dry mouth.

Nicotine also leads to a slightly euphoric and relaxed mood, which most people find pleasant. Another benefit that many users appreciate is an improvement in concentration and focus. Some report a temporary increase in attention and vigilance as a result of consumption.

Does Snus get you high?

A slightly euphoric and relaxed mood, improved concentration and focus as well as increased vigilance are sometimes described by some as a mild high feeling of Snus although this can certainly not be compared with stronger-acting, illegal psychotropic substances. Furthermore Snus is not a psychedelic drug in the same way as a cigarette, which also has a hallucinogenic effect. 

What happens when you take Snus?

When inserted under the upper lip, nicotine is absorbed directly through the oral mucosa. The main factors that determine how much of it can be absorbed and how quickly are pH value and humidity the Snus.

The former is because the pH value has an effect on how much so-called uncharged nicotine is available, which can be more easily absorbed by the oral mucosa as a free base in this state.

The humidity of the Pouches has an influence on nicotine absorption insofar as it affects the speed and duration of nicotine release. Thus, the more moist the Snusthe faster the nicotine is released from the Pouches released - although in extreme cases this can reach values of release of 70% of the total Pouches nicotine in the first 5 minutes. The less moisture, on the other hand, the more constant and longer the release can last. The moisture in combination with the pH value therefore has an effect on the onset of action, the strength of the same and the duration of the effect of Snus.

If the nicotine in the Snus is absorbed via the oral mucosa, it enters the bloodstream, from where it unfolds its complex mechanisms of action in the PNS and, after passing the blood-brain barrier, also in the CNS. The time that elapses between consumption and entry of the nicotine into the CNS is also referred to as the onset rate. At Snus depending on the condition and the factors mentioned above, a noticeable effect can occur after just a few seconds, which can be explained by the relatively high onset speed.

This graphic is intended to illustrate the noticeable effect of a Snus where more nicotine is initially released and absorbed and the release/absorption then gradually decreases.

Nicotine dose and Snus effect

Depending on the nicotine content, the Snus The effect is stronger or weaker depending on the nicotine content, with factors such as pH value and humidity playing a significant role. The nicotine content is divided into mg/g and in mg/Pouches are given.

The former specification is at least found in the so-called "open" Snus-variant, as this is not yet pre-portioned and the mg/g specification can be used to estimate the potency when portioning. For the already pre-portioned variant, on the other hand, the mg/Pouches-specification is more meaningful for estimating the effect, as it already indicates the maximum amount of nicotine that can be released and ultimately absorbed via the oral mucosa.

Does the nicotine content alone have an influence on the strength of the Snus effect?

In addition to the nicotine content, the pH value and moisture of the Pouches contribute significantly to the effect of Snus because they determine how much nicotine is absorbed by the oral mucosa and how quickly.Snus With a higher nicotine content per Pouches have a stronger effect than those with a lower content if both have similar pH values and moisture content.
Some tobacco-free nicotine pouches differ from those containing tobacco Snus by a higher moisture content and a pH value that is more favorable for absorption, which also explains their noticeably stronger onset of action, although they do not have a higher nicotine content.

For many well-known brands of tobacco-free nicotine pouches, both specifications are now standard, and various pouch formats with different filling quantities have established themselves on the market. The filling quantity/pouch weight multiplied by the mg/g specification ultimately results in the mg/Pouches nicotine content.

Pablo for example, is one of the most popular brands in the segment for products with a higher nicotine content. With the brand Velo brand, you can choose from a very wide range of nicotine strengths and test a corresponding variety of strength levels.
If you have never consumed nicotine before, you should start with a low strength so that the nicotine flash does not become too strong. If you take in too much nicotine, this can lead to dizziness and nausea and, in the worst case, to symptoms of intoxication.

Athletes increasingly rely on the Snus-effect

The Snus-effect is increasingly appreciated by professional athletes. At first it was Snus widely used in ice hockey, more and more professional footballers are now also turning to lozenges.
If the athletes' statements are to be believed, as many as one in four footballers regularly use it Snus. The above-mentioned effects of Snus should suggest why: nicotine increases alertness and performance, so athletes may indeed have an advantage here.
In addition, tobacco-free nicotine pouches are not banned and are not a banned doping substance - at least not yet. However, as its consumption provides a competitive advantage, it could soon end up on the list of banned substances.

>> Read more about the topic here: Whether in ice hockey or football - why are snus so popular in sport?

Private consumers, however, could care less. They do not have to rely on the Snus-effect. Who Snus want to buy can continue to do so. The real Snus is only available in Sweden because it is the only country in the EU where it can be sold. Switzerland has banned the sale of Snus legalized in 2019. In Germany and Austria Snus only available as a tobacco-free variant in nicotine pouches - but this does not affect the experience.