Wie finde ich den richtigen Nicotine Pouch und Snus? - snuzone

How do I find the right Nicotine Pouch and Snus?

How do I find the right Nicotine Pouch and Snus?
In this article, we aim to provide a comprehensive guide to help you choose the right Snus or Nicotine Pouches. By the end, you'll see that making the right choice becomes much easier with the necessary knowledge.
How do I find the right Nicotine Pouch and Snus?
In this article, we aim to provide a comprehensive guide to help you choose the right Snus or Nicotine Pouches. By the end, you'll see that making the right choice becomes much easier with the necessary knowledge.

Often, one is overwhelmed by a multitude of options when it comes to choosing the right product for oneself. This is also true for Nicotine Pouches and Snus.

What should I consider when selecting the right Snus? Which Nicotine Pouch is right for me? How can I avoid buying a product that is too strong for me? These are just a few of the many questions we frequently get asked as Nicotine Pouch retailers.

The Right Nicotine Content

Nicotine content of Snus - illustrative
The right nicotine content in Snus is crucial for enjoying the experience - as a Snus beginner, one should avoid products with too high a nicotine content. © Image: AdobeStock

The nicotine content of Nicotine Pouches is indicated in milligrams per gram (mg/g) and often additionally in milligrams per pouch (mg/pouch). The mg/pouch value becomes essential for selection as it specifies the maximum amount of nicotine released per pouch during consumption and available for absorption through the oral mucosa. If this second value is missing, you can calculate it: With a strength of 10 mg/g and a pouch weighing 0.7 g, the nicotine content per pouch is 7 mg (10 mg/g * 0.7 g = 7 mg/pouch).

The strength ranges from 1 mg/pouch to 100 mg/pouch - depending on the mg/g ratio and the respective pouch weight. It should be noted that anything over 20 mg/pouch is classified as ultra-strong and should only be used by experienced users with high nicotine tolerance. If dizziness or nausea occurs, the Nicotine Pouch is too strong and should be removed immediately.

This table can help you classify the mg/pouch level:


Nicotine Content

Suitable For


1mg – 5mg



6mg – 9mg



10mg – 14mg

Occasional Users

Extra Strong

15mg – 20mg

Experienced Users

Ultra Strong

21mg – 100mg



The Right Moisture

Moisture of Snus
Another important and often overlooked point is the moisture of the pouch. The moisture in Snus and Nicotine Pouches determines how quickly the nicotine is released and how long the pouch can remain in the mouth without dripping. - © Image: AdobeStock

Pouches with high moisture content release the contained nicotine more quickly, resulting in a faster "nicotine kick." For example: A nicotine pouch with 20 mg/pouch of nicotine and high moisture can feel significantly stronger than a pouch with 30 mg/pouch of nicotine and low moisture because the body absorbs more nicotine in a shorter period. Nicotine pouches with high moisture tend to drip faster and must be removed from the mouth sooner.

Moisture not only influences the Snus effect, but it also impacts the intensity of the flavor. The rule here is: the higher the moisture, the faster the aromas are released, resulting in a more intense flavor experience.

Nicotine pouches where the contents are not already moist in the pouch become moist only upon contact with the oral mucosa. In such cases, nicotine and flavor are released more slowly.

Depending on personal preferences, one can narrow down their choice based on the moisture level.

Pouch Size

Pouch size of Snus

The pouch sizes are generally categorized as follows:
- Large
- Slim
- Superslim
- Mini

© Image: AdobeStock

Large offers the largest filling amount and thus the most intense Snus experience. However, these are recognizable to others due to the bulge on the upper lip. Most users prefer Slim, as they can be placed discreetly and inconspicuously under the upper lip, remaining invisible even while speaking, while still offering a pleasant Snus experience. The least popular variants are Superslim and Mini. These are among the smaller options. Due to their low filling volume, the nicotine content per pouch is usually also very low.


Snus flavors
Due to the wide and ever-growing popularity of Nicotine Pouches, new brands and flavors are regularly introduced to the market. There are hardly any limits to the variety of flavors. - © Image: AdobeStock

The many different flavors can be divided into:

  • Classic
  • Berry
  • Fruity
  • Unique

Classic flavors include options like mint and menthol. Popular in the "Berry" category are forest or blueberry aromas, while "Fruity" options include favorites like melon and exotic choices like mango lassi, among others. Exciting and unique aroma combinations are grouped under "Unique."


You should now have the necessary tools to choose the Snus that’s perfect for you. You can test this right away by browsing through our extensive selection with this guide in hand—maybe you’ll even find your new favorite:


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1 comment

  • Tobi

    Hey, kurze Frage. Ich konsumiere regelmäßig Snus und wollte fragen welche Snus die stärksten sind die ihr anbietet und ob man sich ein 10er Pack selbst zusammenstellen kann. Außerdem wollte ich fragen ob der Versand nach Österreich kostenlos ist bei einem Bestellwert über 40€? Ich bedanke mich bereits im Voraus :)