Focus on Snus and Nicotine Pouches at InterTabac 2024

Dortmund trade fair InterTabac and InterSupply

© Picture: Messe Dortmund

On September 19, the trade fair duo of InterTabac and InterSupply 2024 in Dortmund will enter the next round with a decisive innovation. This year Snus and nicotine pouches will be the focus of a specially introduced event format that has never existed before. You can read here why the organizer is offering these next-generation products such a stage.

InterTabac and InterSupply 2024 from September 19 to 21 at Messe Dortmund

InterTabac is the world's largest trade fair for tobacco products and smoking accessories. In 2024, it will once again take place together with InterSupply, the trade fair for the manufacturing process of tobacco products, e-cigarettes, pipes and water pipes, as part of a trade fair duo in Dortmund's exhibition halls. From September 19 to 21, numerous renowned exhibitors, knowledgeable visitors and industry experts will come together to discuss the individual tobacco segments.

The fact that so-called "Next Generation Products (NGPs)", in particular Snus-products and tobacco-free nicotine pouches, are playing an increasingly important role for the entire industry is also reflected in the trade fair program. The new event format "PouchXchange", which was introduced specifically for this purpose, will focus in particular on these smoking alternatives.

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InterTabac 2024 puts snus and nicotine pouches in the spotlight with ‘PouchXchange’

As tobacco and smoke-free alternative so-called white Snus are becoming increasingly popular. In order to do justice to this development, a special stage will be given to these products at this year's InterTabac 2024 with the newly introduced "PouchXchange" event format.

At the "Modern Oral Products Networking" party - as the organizer calls it - for the growing pouch and Snus-industry, which will take place on September 20 from 6 to 11 p.m. in Hall PA4, manufacturers, suppliers, dealers and scientists will come together. This unique opportunity offers the chance to exchange ideas, find out more about the up-and-coming next generation products and make new contacts in a relaxed atmosphere.

Sabine Loos, Managing Director of the Westfalenhallen Group, explains in advance why Nicotine Pouches is being offered such a stage at this year's trade fair duo:

"Die zunehmende Nachfrage nach rauch- und tabakfreien Alternativen eröffnet spannende Chancen in diesem wachsenden Markt. Mit der PouchXchange wird eine innovative Plattform geboten, die als einzigartiger Treffpunkt für alle Akteure aus der Welt der Pouches und Snus-Produkte dienen wird. Sie stellt eine wertvolle Bereicherung für das Messe-Duo dar. Die Einführung eines solch einzigartigen Event-Formats unterstreicht erneut, dass InterTabac und InterSupply stets an vorderster Front der Branchentrends agieren."

In addition, on September 19 and 20 in the course of the conference program of the trade fair some presentations about the subject of "Harm Reduction" and the potential of nicotine pouches are in focus. 

Next generation products as a game changer and opportunity for smokers

Next generation products include the well-known E cigarette and vape and especially tobacco-free nicotine pouches. What these products have in common is that they offer a less harmful alternative to conventional tobacco cigarettes and can make it much easier for smokers to quit. Oral products such as nicotine pouches also offer a completely smoke-free option.

The fact that Next Generation Products can also create a promising approach in practice and act as an aid to successfully quitting smoking was confirmed this year, for example, by the Nicotine Institute Vienna as part of World No Tobacco Day.

>> You can find the full article here: Nicotine pouches as a cigarette alternative - education could promote smoking cessation