E cigarette, vape and pod system at Snuzone

In addition to tobacco-free Snus e-cigarettes, vapes and pod systems will also be available via Snuzone soon. Here you can find out what opportunities e-cigarettes offer and why they will complement our range of nicotine pouches perfectly. You can also read about the key differences between the individual versions and the terms commonly used for them.

E-cigarettes and co. as an alternative to smoking

In order to achieve the EU target of tobacco-free generation by 2040 tobacco-free alternative nicotine products offer an opportunity that must be seized. In addition to nicotine pouches, these include e-cigarettes and vapes. Even if this form of nicotine consumption cannot do without vapor, it can still avoid the most harmful form of consumption l - smoking tobacco.

In order to make these cigarette alternative more accessible to adult users who want to quit smoking, Snuzone is now adding such products to its range. In addition to tobacco-free nicotine pouches, vapes and pod systems will soon be available to purchase at fair prices via the online store - online shipping will initially only be possible for Germany.

What is the difference between an e-cigarette, vape and pod system?

Whether they are referred to as e-cigarettes, e-vapes, e-shisha or pod systems, what all of them have in common is that they do not use harmful combustion products from tobacco. And even if users seem to mean the same thing by the terms, there are subtle differences between at least some of these designs.

The e-cigarette

The electric cigarette, also known as an e-cigarette for short, is a device with which flavored liquids containing nicotine, so-called liquids, can be heated and then inhaled or puffed in the form of vapor. In contrast to the classic tobacco cigarette, no combustion products are produced and unlike so-called tobacco heaters - which also allow to avoid combustion products - this form of consumption is completely tobacco-free.

Components of the classic e-cigarette are

  • The vaporizer head - also known as the coil
  • The battery unit - either integrated and rechargeable or designed as a replaceable unit
  • The filler unit, which contains the refillable e-liquid

What is the coil?

The coil is an electrically heated coil that causes the e-liquid to vaporize during consumption and thus converts the nicotine contained in the filling liquid into inhalable wet vapour, an aerosol.

Difference between disposable and reusable e-cigarettes

In contrast to the classic (reusable) variant, the disposable e cigarette - as the name suggests - is designed as a disposable holder. The three components mentioned are integrated in such a way that they cannot be exchanged/(re)charged/(re)filled.

Most consumers appreciate the uncomplicated handling. This is because, unlike the regular reusable version, the device can be used immediately after purchase without having to charge, fill or make any further adjustments.

The Vape

Originally, the term stood for the so-called vaporizer - a device with which various substances such as dried herbs are heated in a heating chamber and the substances contained in the dissolved vapour can be inhaled without harmful combustion products.

However, "vape" or "e-vape" is now also used as another term for electronic cigarettes, which, as mentioned, vaporize liquids and do not use dry substances for heating extraction. The fact that the term (derived from "to vape", which means "to steam") in this case places greater emphasis on what is probably the most important difference between conventional cigarettes and e-cigarettes for many consumers may partly explain why it is now even more familiar to most. Apart from the fact that vapes are electronically operated and not lit, the biggest difference is that they are "vaporized" and not "smoked" without tobacco.

Difference between disposable and reusable vape

Just as vape can serve as another name for e-cigarettes, there are roughly the same two types of devices: disposable and reusable.

The E Shisha

Like "vape", the term "e-shisha" is often used synonymously with electronic cigarettes and is available in disposable and reusable versions. Nevertheless, the term has become more popular among consumers for more compact and more intuitive, simpler types of device. Terms such as "e-shisha stick", "vape e-shisha" and so on are also common terms for disposable e-cigarettes.

Another term that has recently become established in the sense of a hybrid solution between disposable and reusable device types is the so-called "pod system". And reusable e-shisha is often used for the same type of device. However, "reusable e-shisha" can also simply refer to more compact versions of the classic reusable e-cigarette. And many people use the term specifically when the increased smoke production is similar to that of the classic shisha. In the latter case, a specially designed coil usually provides more smoke or vapor.

The pod system

Whit the so-called pod system is originally considered a device variant that can be classified between disposable and reusable e-cigarettes. This is because pod systems usually contain both reusable and non-reusable parts.

When designing these systems, an attempt was made to transfer the simple and intuitive handling familiar from disposable variants into a system in which at least the battery unit can be used several times. The so-called pod, which usually combines the liquid tank and vaporizer head, is usually replaced.

Pod systems therefore offer the promise of a portable and very simple solution that also allows the battery unit to be used multiple times.

Difference between closed and open pod system

The pods are attached to the battery unit and form the interchangeable unit of the systems. However, they are now available in two different versions: so-called closed and open pods. The former cannot be refilled and are disposed of when the liquid filling is empty. The latter, on the other hand, can be refilled with the corresponding liquids and are themselves a reusable solution - this is the main difference.

E-cigarette as an umbrella term for various liquid systems

E-cigarette is therefore often used as an umbrella term that covers all of the aforementioned designs. However, it becomes more specific when the suffix "reusable" or "disposable" is used, regardless of whether "e-cigarette" or "vape" is used. In addition, pod systems apply, which in turn come in two versions.

So when you talk about electronic cigarettes, you could mean many things - but not tobacco heaters. However, when you talk about pod systems or reusable vapes, you are already narrowing things down. And when we talk about closed pod systems, we are already talking about a very precise definition.

>> You might also be interested: Users of e-cigarettes and tobacco heaters are increasingly turning to the Snus and nicotine pouches