Snus and Nicotine Pouches at the Oktoberfest: tradition meets modernity

Bavarian beer culture and the enjoyment of numerous traditional specialties are clearly in focus at the Munich Oktoberfest. However, the fact that not only Bavarian traditions can be found there is partly explained by the international character and the numerous visitors from all over the world. But there are probably other reasons why a piece of Scandinavian tradition in particular has found its way into the "peaceful Wiesn" in recent years. What these are and whether Snus and nicotine pouches can be consumed legally can be found out here.

A piece of Scandinavian tradition in Bavaria

When it says: "O'zapft is!" and the first keg of beer is tapped in the Schottenhamel tent, you will undoubtedly find yourself at the Oktoberfest. And the subsequent twelve "firecracker shots" in front of the Bavaria finally herald the serving of beer at the traditional Bavarian folk festival, which will take place for the 189th time in 2024.

In recent years, this Bavarian tradition has increasingly been joined by a Scandinavian one: the consumption of Snus and nicotine pouches. One might wonder how this trend from the north has found its way into Munich's deeply rooted cultural heritage. On the one hand, due to the influx of international visitors, one could be forgiven for thinking that this smoke-free cigarette alternative might have become increasingly popular for this reason alone. However, the "smoke-free" in nicotine consumption could be a recipe for success. Smoking at the Oktoberfest has its pitfalls - and today it is certainly no longer possible to enjoy cigarettes without any circumstances, as was perhaps once the case.

Is smoking allowed at the Oktoberfest?

Smoking is perhaps not yet completely banned at the festival, but those who want to indulge in it are still confronted with rules that can cause annoying interruptions to some of the fun in the tents.

Since 2010, there has been a strict smoking ban in festival tents. In most cases, the tent has to be left for the smoking break. And this is where smokeless alternatives are becoming increasingly popular - they can also be enjoyed during and in the tent itself.

Advantages of Snus and nicotine pouches at the Oktoberfest

Smokeless alternatives have certain advantages in common. They offer a lot of freedom at the festival that smokers do not have in this form: You don't have to leave the tent - which saves you a nerve-wracking walk through the crowds in the crowded halls, at least when "re-entering".

Above all, Bavarians are familiar with a tobacco experience, which sometimes causes an itchy nose between the beer benches, especially at Oktoberfest. And snuff is not only popular with many people here, but also enjoys a long tradition in Bavaria itself. However, not everyone likes snuff - and even if chewing tobacco could be considered as another well-known alternative in southern Germany, it can be particularly annoying when drinking beer. After all, it significantly impairs the taste of beer, promotes saliva production and ultimately forces you to spit.

Snus pouches, on the other hand, can be consumed very discreetly without having to spit, and even offer a flavor that - when consumed in between - does not have to drown out or interfere with the beer flavor.

The modern tobacco-free version at the Wiesn

With tobacco-free nicotine pouches, Bavarian traditions finally meet modern nicotine enjoyment at the Oktoberfest. Because without any tobacco at all, this form of nicotine consumption (in addition to the harmful effects of smoking) also saves on harmful substances that cannot be denied by tobacco even for smokeless forms of consumption - in particular carcinogenic tobacco-specific nitrosamines.

So there are definitely certain advantages over smoking, which consumption of Snus and nicotine pouches offers. But is it even allowed at the Oktoberfest?

Are Snus banned at the Oktoberfest?

First of all: The consumption of Snus is not prohibited in Germany. Only the placing on the market and sale are expressly prohibited. The same approval applies to nicotine pouches with regard to consumption; however, the situation in Germany is not uniform with regard to sale. For example, regional trade is temporarily prohibited in at least some german districts, but this does not apply to online purchases from companies based abroad.

>> Read more on this topic in: Tobacco Directive in the new EU Commission: The future for Snus and nicotine pouches

The following applies to the Oktoberfest: there, too, the consumption of both Snus and nicotine pouches is not explicitly prohibited. You can therefore consume the products you have brought with you at the Oktoberfest without hesitation. However, make sure that you only bring small quantities with you, for which it can be credibly demonstrated that they are intended for private use.

Snus and beer - what you should bear in mind

If you consume Snus or nicotine pouches while drinking beer, you should be careful not to accidentally swallow a pouch. This could lead to nicotine poisoning with nausea, dizziness and vomiting.

It is also important to keep the various beer and Snus-flavors in mind. On the one hand, these can be quite different, on the other hand, they can even complement each other perfectly.

Snus flavors that promise a successful harmony of taste in combination with Oktoberfest beer can, for example, be those with a citrus, cola or even cola-lemon and herbal note.

Reflected Snus- and beer consumption

In general, a reflected and responsible consumption is recommended for both alcohol and Snus - and the focus should always be on moderate enjoyment. In order to keep your nicotine bag consumption level-headed and under control, it is best to get informed about the Snus effect. For example, not every pouch has the same effect - even if you have already had experience with the specified nicotine content.