Nikotinvarianten in Snus

Nicotine salt, free-base nicotine and resinate: three common forms of nicotine in tobacco-free nicotine pouches

Nicotine salt, free-base nicotine and resinate: three common forms of nicotine in tobacco-free nicotine pouches
In the following article, you will find out which three nicotine forms are commonly used in tobacco-free nicotine pouches. You can also read how these nicotine variants influence the effect profile.
Nicotine salt, free-base nicotine and resinate: three common forms of nicotine in tobacco-free nicotine pouches
In the following article, you will find out which three nicotine forms are commonly used in tobacco-free nicotine pouches. You can also read how these nicotine variants influence the effect profile.

Have you ever wondered in what form nicotine can be found in White Snus? The best-known form is certainly nicotine salt - but many people don't know that there are also other types. In this short article, you will learn about three common forms in which nicotine can be found in your tobacco-free nicotine pouches. You can also read about how the targeted use of such variations can influence the so-called effect profile and what this means for the respective Snus effect.

Three common nicotine variants in white Snus

The nicotine variant refers to the way in which this substance is inside Snus - whether it is bound to other chemical substances or unbound, for example. For the form in which nicotine is present in white Snus there are three common possibilities.

Nicotine salts

Nicotine is present in the form of nicotine salts. These salts are formed by the combination of (alkaline) pure nicotine with an acid (e.g. salicylic acid or benzoic acid).

Freebase nicotine

It occurs in its uncharged form as a free base and is not bound to other chemical substances. In this state, nicotine can most easily pass through the biomembrane of the oral mucosa. What is interesting at this point is that the pH-value of Snus can influence the proportion of free nicotine, because the pH-value determines how much of it is present. This is also the reason why higher pH-values of the Pouches are associated with a stronger effect.

Nicotine resinate

Also known as nicotine Polacrilex, this variant is a bound form of nicotine. Nicotine is bound to a so-called ion exchange resin, which means a controlled and long-lasting release to the body. This nicotine form is also known from typical oral smoking cessation products.

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Effect of the nicotine variant on the effect profile of tobacco-free nicotine pouches

Mostly the same three forms come in White Snus in a combined manner. Various manufacturers often use the combination of these three forms specifically to adjust the respective effect profiles.

This is why more and more products are coming onto the market that differ fundamentally from one another in terms of their effect profile. If Polacrilex, for example, is the only way in which nicotine is used in the White-Snus then it will be a product that offers a smooth, consistent and long-lasting consumption experience. However, the situation is completely different if the proportion of free-base nicotine has been deliberately increased. Then the effect is usually shorter, but much stronger.


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