Many people often ask themselves when searching the internet or in general: is it called Snus, Snuff, or Snooze? In the homeland of Snus, Sweden, it is exclusively called "Snus," as it is in Norway, Finland, and Denmark.
Is Snooze the English Term for Snus?
Snooze and Snous sound quite English, but surprisingly, the term is only used in Germany and Switzerland, where it has become a common designation.
Is Snüs the Same as Snus?
In Austria, however, the term Snüs has become established. Essentially, the Swedish designation is considered correct and has been used this way since its origin.
Order Snooze and Snous Online
In any case, you are most likely not looking for the correct pronunciation and designation but for suitable shops. Congratulations, because you’ve come to the right place, and you can buy your snooze and snous online at affordable prices. Discover all our products and be amazed by the wide selection at the best prices:
300+ Different Snooze at Snuzone
You can expect over 300 different Snooze products from more than 20 manufacturers. Whether mild, ultra-strong, fruity, or mint, you’ll find the right snooze for your needs. Additionally, we offer free shipping to Germany and Austria for orders over €40.

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