Ist Snus schädlich?

Is snus harmful?

Is snus harmful?
In the following article you will find out whether snus is harmful - and if so, why. You will also find out which is more harmful, cigarette or snus consumption.
Is snus harmful?
In the following article you will find out whether snus is harmful - and if so, why. You will also find out which is more harmful, cigarette or snus consumption.

“Is Snus harmful or not?” This question is increasingly being asked as Swedish tobacco gains more followers across the EU who want to buy Snus. It’s time we address this important issue and provide an answer to this question.

Ingredients of Snus: Only one is harmful

If you're wondering “Is Snus harmful?”, the best approach is to take a closer look at the list of ingredients in Snus. Genuine Swedish Snus consists solely of flavors and tobacco, which naturally contains nicotine.

The tobacco-free Snus, legally available in Germany, Austria, and other EU countries, replaces tobacco with plant fibers infused with nicotine salts.

>> You might also be interested in: Snus in Germany - Will It Soon Be Allowed?

Both Swedish Snus and nicotine pouches in the tobacco-free variant primarily contain nicotine as the main ingredient. Nicotine is an addictive substance that, with regular use, can lead to dependence and cardiovascular diseases.

Cigarettes are more harmful than Snus

Unlike cigarettes, Swedish Snus and tobacco-free nicotine pouches are not burned when consumed but rather placed under the lip. Since neither tobacco nor plant fibers are burned, no harmful substances are produced.

Extinguishing cigarette
Cigarette smoke contains not only nicotine but also numerous other substances, such as tar, which accumulates in lung tissue and can cause cancer. - © Image: AdobeStock

Compared to cigarettes, Snus is therefore considered less harmful.

In Sweden, the birthplace of Snus, its consumption exceeds that of cigarettes. At the same time, Sweden has one of the lowest rates of lung cancer mortality in the EU. This is another indicator that Snus is less harmful.

Nicotine pouches, available EU-wide and free from tobacco, are considered even less harmful since plant fibers contain fewer toxic substances than tobacco. Studies show that using nicotine pouches does not increase the risk of developing oral cancer.

Anyone looking to quit smoking but doesn’t want to give up nicotine might benefit from switching to Snus, significantly reducing their cancer risk.


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Is Snus harmful? – The answer is clear

After reading this article, you can likely answer the question, “Is Snus harmful?” for yourself. Snus contains nicotine, which is an addictive substance that can cause cardiovascular diseases.

Compared to smoking, however, Snus consumption is undeniably less harmful because the combustion of tobacco generates numerous toxic substances, which are not present in moist Snus. Therefore, consuming Snus is an alternative for smokers who do not want to give up nicotine but wish to avoid other toxic substances.

For consumers of the tobacco-free Snus variant, the cancer risk is even lower. Since nicotine is the only harmful substance in Snus, the risk is manageable—especially for those who purchase high-quality Snus made with ingredients approved for food use.

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