Ist Snus schädlich?

Is snus harmful?

Is snus harmful?
Is snus harmful?

"Is snus harmful or not?" This question is driving more and more people, because the tobacco from Sweden is now gaining more and more supporters in the EU who want to buy snus. So it's time for us to address this important topic and provide an answer to this question.

Ingredients of snus: Only one is harmful

If you ask yourself "Is snus harmful?", it is best to take a closer look at the list of snus ingredients to get an answer. Genuine Swedish snus consists only of flavors and of tobacco, which contains nicotine as a natural ingredient.

Tobacco-free snus, which can be legally purchased in Germany, Austria and other EU countries, contains plant fibers mixed with nicotine salts instead of tobacco.

Both the Swedish snus and the nicotine pouches with the tobacco-free variant thus contain nicotine as the main ingredient. This is an addictive substance which, if consumed regularly, is addictive and can cause cardiovascular diseases.

Cigarettes are more harmful than snus

Unlike cigarettes, Swedish snus or the tobacco-free nicotine pouches are not burned when consumed, but sucked. The fact that the tobacco or plant fibers are not burned means that no harmful substances are produced.

Therefore, cigarette smoke contains not only nicotine, but also numerous other substances, e.g. tar, which is deposited in the lung tissue and can cause cancer there. Compared to cigarettes, snus is less harmful.

In Sweden, the country of origin of snus, snus consumption is higher than cigarette consumption. At the same time, Sweden has one of the lowest mortality rates due to lung cancer in the EU. This is another indicator that snus is less harmful.

According to studies, nicotine pouches, which are available throughout the EU and do not contain tobacco, are even less harmful because the plant fibers contain even fewer toxic substances than tobacco. Studies have shown that the risk of developing oral cancer is not increased when nicotine pouches are consumed.

So anyone who wants to quit smoking but doesn't want to give up nicotine is doing themselves a favor by preferring to buy snus in the future, as it significantly reduces their risk of developing cancer.

Is snus harmful? - The answer is clear

After reading this article, you can surely answer the question "Is snus harmful?" yourself. Snus contains nicotine, which is an addictive substance that can cause cardiovascular diseases.

In contrast to cigarette consumption, snus consumption is clearly less harmful, because burning tobacco produces numerous toxic substances that are not released from moist snus. Therefore, snus consumption is an alternative for smokers, because they do not have to give up nicotine, but they do not absorb all other toxic substances.

For consumers of the tobacco-free snus variant, the risk of contracting cancer is once again significantly lower. Since nicotine is the only substance that is harmful in snus, the risk is manageable - especially for people who buy high-quality snus that contains only substances that are approved for food use